Dovgorodine Strait

The Dovgorodine Strait is a body of water in the north of Serania Minor, which separates the largely enclosed Coactian Sea from the Ballarat Sea to the north of the strait; it functions also as part of the demarcation line between Serania Minor and Major. The greater part of the land around the strait – the eastern extremity of the Noble Ostrobor Peninsula on the western bank and the small detached territory of Cheviem to the east – is a possession of Azophin, but the strait is dominated by the city of Vezderevo, currently in the hands of Terophan, located at the north-western end of the strait. The city and the cape on which it stands came into Terophatic control in 1958, late in the Long War, as governmental authority in Azophin broke down, and the handover was confirmed in the following year during the Congress of Kethpor.