Spytihnev's incursions

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Spytihnev's incursions were a series of naval campaigns by Terophan and to a lesser extent Lacre in the Messenic Sea in the 1830s that aimed to re-assert Outer Joriscian influence in the Messenic, and secure the westwards trade routes to the Medius Sea and Ascesia, in the wake of dominance of the area by Messenian powers since the collapse of Great Neritsia in the 18th century. Other objectives included forcing some form of submission from the Messenian powers themselves through assaults and bombardments on port cities, and for Terophan, displaying its prestige to other Vaestic powers as part of the apogee it had reached under Spytihnev the Arbitrator. The Messenian powers such as Siurskeyti and Zeppengeran were able to repel the assaults, foiling the grander ambitions of Terophite admirals, and, according to some historians, securing the independence of the western sphere as an equal to Outer Joriscia for the next few centuries. The beginning of the Great Peninsular War in 1837 diverted most Joriscian attention from the campaigns and led to their effective conclusion; many of the few substantial gains made in the campaigns were soon lost or reneged on by the local parties due to the Terophatic metropole's declining position in its own war.