User:Seb/Done To do Savam

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Done for Savam

  • Add terrorists attacks during the period the CCW done against state interests & reformer temples/institutions
    • spurs violence against orthodoxists in Savam
    • Compulsory registration/labelling of orthodoxists at the worst of it
      • Note that some of that started during the phoney war because of Odann's anti-reformer agitation in neighbouring countries
  • Pop exchanges inside Ceresora following CCW -- which are not exclusively religious, see tanians & elmiesians)
  • Idea to keep: conflicts with the joriscians in Nusileh (and other parts of the southern costs of Ascesia) during the 18th century, especially Agamar at first. Continues in 19th until 1889 when treaty with Agamar allows the continued existence of Nosivangue (probably same treaty that fixes the boundaries of Messukoulu in Victoria). The port-city is later re-inforced by the collaboration (quasi-alliance) between Savam and Agamar.
  • Note somewhere how it is a tradition (but not required by law) that the commons are dissolved if there is a viceregal resignation needing a new election. This has been the case most of the time but not all the times. BTW years of early elections:
    • 1952
    • 1955
    • 1984
    • 1998
  • Insert somewhere (or re-inforce) that Savam always had an issue with the maritime detour around the rest of Messenia, and so has always been keen on keeping land routes toward the east/south-east open as well as perhaps at some time followed a policy like Russia looking to expand toward a souther "warm water" port (keeping in mind it's not as bad for Savam as the Arcedian is not freezing on their coast, and more open than the Baltic). The Zepnish alliance was likely a way to implement a non-expansionist version of this policy
  • Inject some aristocratic revolts (on matters of politics/respublican power) in the history of Savam
  • Add notion of mining towns in some regions, and leagues that their noble burgers form against the rural nobles + wars to integrate them (possibly locate them in Cardussian piedmont and on the Quènian side)
  • Correct languages in Transvechia to include local northern Italian dialects as popular patois (italian and french remains only official)
  • Correct languages in Brex-Sarre so that the Sarrois Savamese is related to Francien and Picard is present in the north-west + mention the prestige dialect of the Holy City
    • Also add that Savamese gov has been pushing standard savamese media in neighbouring countries to help foster a sense of common appartenance with all the Savamese dialects speakers there.
  • Update Emilia language section
  • Increase references to tensions between Labarre and establishement (including the stock panic thing)
  • Great lakes marshlands
  • Add references to Dordanian slave trade in the GNW page
  • Weak emperor and tricameral system result of compromise between states (Dordanie wanted strong emperor, other were scared of hegemony) and nobility, as well as growing bourgoisie (esp in 1770s-90s boom) to create balance in the federal state (not perfect from teh start, note early scandals and explain some of the disadvantages of having a lot of chambers); system gets more centralised over time
    • Reserved power for the emperor that are now not used anymore à la UK?
  • add population exchanges at the end of the CCW, reformers moving into Savam and vice-versa
  • Expand Savamese politics:
    • Savamese politics of the 1810-30s was still quite focused on religion and whether to allow citizenship for orthodoxists or expel them from the empire, as well as the repression of puritans (then religion fades away and become second to idea of "people" that include reformed status but not limited to it, as already hinted)
    • Division on steppe politics is also an early 19th century issue
  • For Dodaristan: Savamese "colonisation" started with merchant compagnies being granted port cities by local rulers as part of trade treaties (or such - another example: compensate savamese merchants for them fighting other Messenian pirate & corsaires employed by ennemy ascesian rulers); focus on the isthm that was the centre of power in the region due to chokepoint for land-based trade routes, ie more port cities controlled there, after the northern bay was secure first
  • Pre-1650 corsaire wars between Dordanie and Quènie in Ascesia
  • Add how finding sources of timber for the Quènian shipbuilding industry was one significant reason behind Quènian exploration/colonisation; Dordanie taking control of the Transvechian/Boréan timber trade would not have pleased them
  • On the subject of Rex/Roi: create a dedicated page, with:
    • Rex un titre utilisé par empereur sabamanois et aussi lié à un titre style régent qui étais un gouverneur de plusieurs provinces [Note how the term rex also used for foreign rules of particular power, while the generic term was normally dux and how a regnum was those multiple provices ruled by the rex for the emperor], tombé en désuétude bien que parfois utilisé honorifiquement. Repris par dordanie pour prestige sans prendre titre impérial (roi se présente comme bra droit de l'empereur et plus à même de récrée empire)
    • Pour Maximilien: titre accordé jointement par argan et parlement et qui es supérieur à tout autres (même archiprince) Et directement lié à empereur. Archiprince des sabamais comme Alban auguste pas possible car même restrictions que empereur sur soutien par tout le monde
    • Also highlight how this was in opposition to the quenian legitimacy claim and helped build up the rivalry
  • Have the military chancellor the ring leader for the 1959 coup? -- hard-core anti-ortho? tension mounting with Viceroy over year + unhappy that treaty after gaste war was too "light" (wants to declare emergency power for himself)
  • Create page for this:

The Savamese Stock market crash of 1896, also called the Panic of 1896, was a wave of panic selling in the finance and insurance stocks triggered by the government suspension in Nollonger 1896 of the repayment of the debt it has accumulated during the Embute War to private, principally aristocratic, creditors. This was the result neither of bankruptcy nor insolvency, but a deliberate action ordered by Viceroy Marshall d'Hoste-Labarre in order to force the hands of aristocratic private banks in debt renegotiation talks that had been stagnating for almost 2 years at that point.

The move was a success for the federal government, which was able to renegotiate its debt and even acquire significant parts of the capital of its creditors, marking the beginning of the policy requiring the government to own a blocking minority in all financial insitutions; the Imperial Bank was formed in 1899 partially to aggregate the assets acquired at that time (its main role was a federal level central bank, which did not existed previously).

Although the effect on the overall economy was limited, the panic profoundly affected the relation between Labarre and the business milieu. Labarre was widely described as a lunatic for forcing a crash of the financial industry and viewed with suspicious eyes for the rest of his tenure as Viceroy.

  • Reduce democracy with suffrage censitaire (make the suffrage crisis about a large extension rather than universal), so that about 50% of the population can vote -- other option is to consider weighted suffrage? -- have a liberal constitutional monarchy without democracy.
  • Add education requirements for eligility
  • have Dissault speak about liberalism first (classical approach), then respopulous later in his life (less popular with his peers) -- collectivists become the "democrats" that are for popular sovereignty and direct democracy / collectivists might have advocated statism before the idea became mainstream.
    • respopulous as advocated by Dissault = participation of all in politics, via smaller cens for enlarged voting base and, for the poor and uneducated, via their trade unions/guilds; no noble priviledges in government.
  • have a greater opposition between liberals and statists in terms of economy and the role of the state (the liberals being the "radicals" here because the will diverge from the idea that the state must lead everything in society)
  • Reinforce the notion that only nobles were taking part in the respublic for most of the time, and make the opening to others more "dramatic" and probably later -- changes to the nobility page required / add some religious specifics for noble, especially in Orthodoxy, like requiring to come from a noble familly for a woman to rise above the lower ranks of the clergy.
    • Idea: limit initial respublic to nobility of the land, have some major revolt by gensdarmes that would allow them to vote/hold offices too -- then nobility of honours is granted same priviledges later
  • have "feminism" being a philosophical ideology that just support the reform of traditional gender roles and allow people to take a place in society on their merit solely.
  • keep the idea of a "savamese nation" distinct form the "cairan nation", existing because there's too many divergence between the different cairan communities for them to identify together -- add element of Savamese being the only majority Reformers, so initial loyalty is to the "reformer emperor" which simply takes the name of emperor of the savamese ie emperor of the sabamanians. Then, have a slow process where other cultural elements, such as language are included in the definition of the nation (to help justify expansionism), without reaching the current point (ie, you can be part of the nation by adhering to savamese culture and being a subject of the state/emperor, where-ever you come from).
  • New Orangism is a "left-wing" ideology that advocates reforms to return to what is perceived as a more desirable state of the Savamese empire, ie a centralised-statist unitary nation. In general, new orangists perceive federalism as a very problematic and inefficient system and want to see it end. They also distrust the federalist elites (ie the nobility). It has utilitarian elements borrowed from Darnelism or associated/similar philosophies from the 18th/19th centuries.
  • Add some details about more reaction to the fall of Bogograd during the Western Expedition
  • Verify that Ascesia-related business is still correct vis à vis the updates on the Combination of Dreams -- Make sure it is emphasised how the Messenians want to gain acces to the market of the CoD, the largest unified market in the world at that point (source of porcelaine, silk, tobacco, indienne, high-quality pigments (indigo?))
  • Expand Savamese politics:
    • 1850-1910: a lot of new dissident argans are founded in this period, spurring debate on their status and authorisation; this ois particularly important due to the Collectivists that are controversial for the Establishment, but also affect other groups like the Darnelites. Eventually they are recognised as legal in the 1920s (or so). This does not mean that they are recognised by the mainstream Argan, but that they are legal and authorised, the mainstream argan can still not recognise them and they can still be viewed badly by the authorities but they are at least legally operating within certain parameters (which can be biased, in particular against the collectivists)
  • Expand on Savamese mercenaries going to fight in Ascesia in the 1500-1800 period.
  • Add on how Secote tribes were used as allied (paid by tribute, various prestige stuff) to protect the borders of the various imperial entities in the east against other secotes + secote allies of the Montalban against the neo-messenians?
  • Clarify the late LW economy of Savam is planned but remains largely privately owned (despite nationalisation in strategic sectors), comparably to Nazi Germany before the mid-40s (so it is not a command economy). The 60s government would keep that through the YWS crisis, then end of planning under liberal governments in the 70s?