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Naturalism, also known as Viridian or Green Cairony, is an umbrella term describing a number of movements and sects within the Cairan religion. Naturalism is broadly divided into three so-called waves.

First-wave naturalism is ancient and broadbly resolve around philosophies discussing the relationship between Nature, Cairon, and Mankind. Many of its adherents have sought to retreat among natural habitat to live as hermits or in small communities, seeking Cairon undisturbed by centuries of human emoitions and deeds. Although it has always existed, this type of naturalist thought saw a revival with the rise of the Cairan Reformation and its focus on the Inner Cairon.

Second-wave naturalism rose during the Industrial Revolution in reaction to social and environemental changes associated with the spread of industries. While some part of the Cairan establishement rejected industrialisaiton because it upset the traditional social order, second-wave naturalists were concerned about the destruction of the traditional harmony between Mankind and Nature brought upon by pollution, deforestation, and widespread mineral extraction. They rejected new technologies and economic changes, arguing that only a traditional pre-industrial lifestyle would protect Cairon. Second-wave naturalism is now almost non-existent.

Third-wave naturalism emerged later during the early 20th Century as industrialisation became widely accepted among Cairans. Third-wavers became worried that industrial development was only harmless to Cairon if properly conducted by Cairans, so industrialisaitons in other regions like Joriscia were at risk of hampering, and even reversing, Restoration efforts in the Cairan world. The discovery of the phenomenom of Global Warming in the late 20th Century was considered as evidence of this by third-wave naturalists, who blames it entirely on non-Cairan industrialisation. In order to protect the planet's future, third-waves have resorted to spread Cairony worldwide. Third-wave naturalism is a non-sectarian movement, as it is more concerned in converting the infidels than the minute details of Cairan dogma and practices.