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The Panarchate is the single, nominal government of Vaestdom constituted from the joint power of its leading rulers. In the context of the Panarchate, the four principal Standard-Bearers of Vaestdom—the Terophatic Emperor, the Azophine and Agamari Debates as represented by their Imperial Voices, and the Lutoborian Vozhd—collectively constitute the corporate Emperor of the Vesnites, and edicts jointly issued by all four thus have universal jurisdiction. Beyond this legislative authority, in rare circumstances the Vaestic Panarchate has acted as a negotiating party under interordinate law. Beneath the Prophetic Banner Vaestdom can therefore be seen to constitute a single political entity, the Empire of the Vesnites, managed by multiple, territorially delimited imperial courts. In the absence of a Universal Prophet, the Prysostaic Interrex is responsible to the Panarchate, a fact explicitly specified in the reforms of the Prysostaic Council by the 1983 Congress of Molot.

The Panarchate was established as a Cathedralist project under the effective leadership of Vsevolod the Great in the Kethpor Accords following the Long War. Following Vsevolod's death in 1970 and the disintegration of the Terophatic Ascendancy, however, the Panarchs have attained greater parity and the Panarchate itself has become an instrument of cooperation rather than domination, serving to cement the dominant role of the Joriscian Great Powers. Zemay was originally a member of the Panarchate as constituted at Kethpor, but lost its position at the Congress of Molot in 1983 owing to abortive manoeuvres at the end of the Constellation Crisis to overthrow the Lefdian government and to remilitarise Argah. In a notable instance of collaboration between Azophin and Terophan, and with the broad consensus of every other Vaestic Power, Zemay was forced to accept its deposition from the Panarchate and replacement by Azophin—fulfilling an Azophine demand for formal equality with Terophan—in exchange for nominal compensation.

See also