Sabamanian civilisation

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The Sabāmani civilisation was a pre-Secote civilisation in northern Messenia which is the direct antecedent of the Sabamic and Savamese people. It emerged during the second half of second millennia BCE out of the early bronze-age cultures of the Old Sabāmanian Country and coalesced into a centre of modern civilisation in the First Sabāmani Empire by 1,100 BCE. Through a series of cycles of expansion and decline, the Sabāmanians established three empires and eventually ruled most of Messenia in the 5th century CE. They collapsed for the last time under the thrust of the Zhyagedevid invasion in the late 8th century. In the post-Secote era, the Sabāmanian civilisation evolved into the modern-day Sabamic culture, with the Savamese at its chief example. The Sabāmanians went on having a widespread influence on Messenian culture up to this day, probably second only to the Old Messenians themselves. They developed the political model of the respublic and their imperium became the fulcrum of politics for centuries in northern Messenia. Cairony emerged from ancient Sabāmanian religion and was spread by them to other parts of Messenia, influencing the development of Siriash and, through the Secote, Vaestism. Their language is the root of the Sabamic languages familly and their alphabet is the most-used script in Northern Messenia.

Sabāmani Civilisation
First Sabāmani Empire1100–855 BCE
First Great Invasions850s–800s BCE
855 BCE
The Long Interregnum800s–517 BCE
Fractious Principate
First respublics
Second Sabāmani Empire517–139 BCE
Great Zizanie139 BCE – 50 CE
Second Great Invasions50s–80s CE
The Silver Century90–189 CE
Third Sabāmani Empire189–791 CE
Secote conquest773–791 CE